Preparation of the Manuscript:

Manuscript should be typed in double space (12pt., Times New Roman font preferred) on A4 or in letter size page. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Use SI units, and give equivalent SI units in parenthesis when the use of other units is unavoidable. Symbols should conform to standard guidelines.


It should be short & informative (15 pt.), to be typed with the only first letter of the first word capital; also, after colon or hyphen, first letter of the first word capital. Latin words are to be given in italics

Short Running Title

Not in excess of 50 characters, to be all in capitals


Five or six keywords (in normal; 9 pt. indicating the contents of the manuscript.


Names of authors to be typed with first letters capital (10 pt.)

Addresses of Authors

Addresses of the Institution (s) where the work was carried out including telephone (Office only), fax number and e-mail address (9 pt.) of at least the corresponding author. Author for correspondence should be indicated with an asterisk (*)

Main Headings

Each manuscript should be divided into the following main headings (typed in bold, first letters capital, on the left hand side of the page; 11pt): Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References.

Sub- Headings

Typed in flush left, bold, first letters capital 9(pt.)

Sub-sub Headings

Bold-Italics, first letters capital (9pt)


Should be brief not exceeding 200 words, typed in normal (9 pt.). Introduction – A brief and precise literature review with objectives of the research undertaken and essential background be given

Material and Methods

Materials and Methods should include the source and nature of material, experimental design and the techniques employed. New methods should be described in sufficient details, and others can be referred to published work.


Results should contain data, which are essential for drawing main conclusion from the study. Wherever needed, the data should be statistically analyzed. Same data should not be presented in both table and figure form


The discussion should deal the interpretation of the results, wherever possible, results and discussion can be combined.


Tables should be typed in double space on separate sheets, numbered consecutively, and only contain horizontal cells. The table headings should be typed with the first letter capital.


The line drawings, illustrations, photographs, etc. will be accepted in word files. The figure should be of high quality. Photomicrographs should have a scale bar. Line drawings should be roughly twice the final printed single column size 7.5 cm width. Text figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Lettering, numbering, symbols and lines in the graphs/illustrations should be sufficiently clear and large to withstand reduction up to 50%. Captions and legends to illustrations should be typed on a separate page. Line drawings and photographs should contain figure number